1932 Prohibition Party Platform


  We, the representatives of the National Prohibition Party in National Convention assembled at Indianapolis, July 6, 1932, devoutly recognize the supreme authority and just government of Almighty God in the affairs of men and nations and declare that, only by obedience to the principles enunciated by the Prince of Peace, can our Country hope for deliverance from the tribulations now upon us as a people or upon this basis we make the following declarations:


  The liquor traffic never willingly obeyed any restrictive measures before prohibition, has not obeyed the law under prohibition, nor can it be expected to obey any restrictive measures should the Eighteenth Amendment be repealed or modified. The difficulty of enforcing any such restrictive measures would be greater than that now experienced.

  We unequivocally oppose the repeal or weakening of the Eighteenth Amendment or of the laws enacted thereunder, and insist upon the strengthening of such laws. Being unanimously agreed upon the principle, having within our ranks no voter opposed thereto, this party if placed in power by voters of like mind, can and will co-ordinate all the powers of Government, Federal, State and local, strictly to enforce, by adequate and unescapable punishment of all violators, this wise and beneficent law. Concurrently with such enforcement activities a constructive and comprehensive educational campaign will be conducted, stressing the evil effects of alcoholic beverages.

  We indict and condemn the Republican and Democratic parties for the continued nullification of the Eighteenth Amendment and their present determination to repeal that amendment on the excuse that it cannot be enforced, and reiterate that adequate enforcement cannot be had from a party dependent on pro-liquor votes for success at the polls.

Economic Relief

  The country finds itself in the depths of the most severe depression in its history. As a result of unemployment, the orgy of gambling on the stock exchanges, bank failures and consequent loss of confidence, millions of dollars have been withdrawn from banks and hoarded. The banks, in their turn are hoarding untold millions in their vaults, refusing to lend even on prime security. Thus a severe contraction of the currency actually in circulation, and of credit based thereon, has taken place with the consequent fall in prices and general business stagnation usually following such contraction. To stop this contraction, now constantly growing greater, and to restore the amount of money in actual circulation to normal proportions, with consequent expansion of credit, we advocate the purchase by the government of legally issued bonds of States and subdivisions thereof, now unable to market same through banks and bank-controlled agencies, to an amount sufficient to accomplish this purpose, paying therefore by the issue of legal-tender treasury notes, directly to the people through such States and subdivisions without the intermediary of the banking system, such bonds to be gradually retired by repayment to the government.

Would Set Up Council.

  To further restore and maintain normal prosperity, an economic council will be created to be composed of the best and most sincere leaders in the fields of economics, agriculture, labor, finance, commerce, and industry, for the consideration and development of further measures such as:

  1. Regulation of stock exchange and boards of trade;
  2. Rehabilitation of wage schedules and hours of labor;
  3. Revision of tariff schedules;
  4. Revision of the banking system to assure safety of deposits;
  5. Development of a comprehensive economic plan to stabilize industry;
  6. Relief of the destitute and unfortunate;
  7. Governmental unemployment and other insurance;
  8. The revaluation of all utilities, transportation systems and basic industries in order to
      disclose actual values so that earnings may be freed to
    pay a just schedule of
      wages and increase employment;
  9. Any other related measures designed to assure economic security.


  We pledge an economical administration of government. Waste, extravagance, duplication in public office, unnecessary commissions and bureaus, padded payrolls and graft cost more than the amount required to pay the soldiers' bonus and feed the poor. We condemn the plan of the old political parties to raise revenue on beer, wine and whisky as being a scheme to tax the poor and exempt the rich. Vast increase in revenue can be obtained by compelling the payment of taxes on huge amounts of property now escaping taxation.


  To aid agriculture, we favor the principle of the equalization fee, or such other measure as may be agreed upon by the leading farm organizations of the United States.


  We condemn the prodigal waste and criminal exploitation of the nation's coal, timber, oil, water power and other natural resources by private interests. All such remaining resources should be utilized and developed under government control for the benefit of all the people.

Reform of Judicial Procedure

  We pledge a comprehensive reform in judicial procedure to eliminate legal technicalities and to secure speedy and substantial justice, and the abolition of unjust injunctions.

Foreign Representatives

  All representatives of the United States Government in foreign nations should be required to observe the principles of the Eighteenth Amendment, and we condemn the negligence of the present administration in not requiring such observance. We also demand that representatives of foreign nations in this country shall not be permitted liquor concessions denied to American citizens.

Motion Pictures

  We favor Federal control at the source of the output of the motion picture industry to prevent the degrading influence of immoral pictures and insidious propaganda connected therewith.

Unjust Ballot Laws

  We denounce the enactment by the Republican and Democratic parties in many States of unjust and discriminatory election laws that make it almost impossible for minor parties to retain their place on the official ballot, or for new parties to be formed.


  We declare our abhorrence of war and favor continued efforts for peaceful settlement of international differences, the reduction of military armaments and the entrance of our country into the World Court.

Alien Representation

  Representation in State and Federal legislative bodies should be based on citizenship and not on population.

Free Institutions

  We reiterate our position in favor of free speech and a free press.

Child Labor 

  We favor the abolition of all child labor in mills, factories, and other industries, that their places may be taken by adult laborers.

Public Utilities

  We favor the governmental ownership of all public utilities which can be owned and operated by the Federal government, all proceeds above the cost of operation to be applied to the support of the Federal government.


  On these principles the national Prohibition party invites all those who favor suppression of the liquor traffic, the enforcement of law, honesty and efficiency in administration, and the building of a better citizenship to join with us in a new political alignment to achieve these great objectives.