Marshall Uncapher on clean government...

"I would Rather be Right than President" was the theme song at the last nominating convention of the Prohibition Party which was held in Wichita, Kansas. Principle, rather than expediency, has always been the leading characteristic of the Prohibition Party.  There has never been a hint of official scandal among the thousands of candidates and office-holders which this party has sponsored in its 105-year old history.
Our purpose in writing this article is not to impugn the motives or actions of those who belong to other political parties.  However, we do want to bring a few facts to the attention of all voters:
America can only survive as a free and decent nation just as long as honor and integrity are practiced by government officials.  When official corruption and dishonor are as prevalent as they have been in the last few years, then the end of America, as we have known it, is very near.  
Much of the problem that America faces is that most political parties have been interested in only one thing -- power.  Shady deals and dirty tricks have not been the prerogative of just one party but have been practiced for a great number of years by both major parties.  Large campaign gifts and even outright bribery have influenced many government officials who were supposed to be protecting the interests of all the people.  
American government must be cleaned up, or it will lose the respect of its citizens and, also, the respect of other nations.  American diplomatic efforts are already being greatly hindered because of Watergate and related scanals.  A large number of our citizens are already deeply disturbed because of the official ccorruption which has forced the resignation or removal from office of many officials in the very highest positions in the land.
We offer a choice to those Americans who want decency, honesty, and integrity in government.  We offer the opportunity to work and vote for the Prohibition Party and its candidates which will do much to bring about a much greater, finer, and cleaner government.

National Statesman, October, 1974